Belangrijke en nuttige telefoonnummers

Belangrijke en nuttige telefoonnummers
To simplify the planning of your vacation and of your stay on our island we have prepared some important and useful telephone numbers.

International country code for Croatia: 00385
(If calling from overseas or by mobile phone, dial 00385 and local code number without „0")
Unique number for emergency: 112

Police: +385 192

Firefighters: +385 193
Ambulance Krk: +385 51 221 264
Tourist ambulance Krk: +385 99 609 4089
General hospital Rijeka:  +385 51 658 111 / +385 51 407 111 / +385 51 659 111 
Pharmacy Krk: +385 51 221 133

National protection and rescue directorate (Uniqe number for all emergency situations): +385 112
National Center for Search and Rescue at the sea: +385 9155

Help on the road: +385 1987
Croatian auto club (HAK) +385 1 4640 800
Weather forecasts and road conditions: +385 60 520 520

General information: +385 18981
Information about local and district telephone numbers: +385 11888
Information on international phone numbers: +385 11802

Tourist Information: +385 800 200 200
The Island of Krk Tourist Board: tel +385 51 221 359, fax +385 51 222 336
Tourist association of the city of Krk - Tourist office: tel/fax +385 51 221 414

Bus Station - Arriva - Travel office Krk: tel +385 60 88 86 18 
Rent a Car - Auto Krk: tel +385 51 222 565, fax +385 51 222 560, mob +385 98 241 200
Taxi service - Taxi služba +385 91 181 3130
Ferry services - Jadrolinija: tel +385 51 666 111, fax +385 51 213 116
Rail transport - Croatian railways: tel +385 60 333 444

Info point Rijeka airport: tel +385 99 525 8911

Veterinarian - Veterinary ambulance Krk: tel/fax +385 51 604 484, mob +385 91 214 99 22

For more informations visit link